Friday, May 14, 2010

Health Tips

Here are the top twenty time-tested healthy habits that have survived for centuries to increase the quantity and quality of our life.

1. Eat mostly plants.

(Have meat as a side dish instead of the main dish)

2. Put family first.

(Time with family is priceless)

3. Take a walk.

(Our legs are meant to move us, so move)

4. Drink a glass of red wine daily.

(It's been a practice for centuries, it must be good)

5. Reduce and manage stress.

(Stress kills, so avoid it or deal with it)

6. Have a purpose.

(Be excited when you wake up each morning)

7. Get outdoors.

(We came from nature, go back for a visit)

8. Be grateful.

(Appreciate what you got and you will get more)

9. Have fun.

(Do things that you enjoy)

10. Maintain a healthy body weight

(Move more, eat less)

11. Get regular exercise.

(Push and pull heavy things)

12. Love and laugh

(Preferably both at the same time)

13. Snack on nuts

(The most nutrient dense food in the world)

14. Give something back.

(If you want to get, you have to give)

15. Eat a large breakfast.

(Your mother was right...again)

16. Eat a medium lunch

(It's a lunch break, not a lunch buffet)

17. Eat a small dinner

(Enough eating already)

18. Drink plenty of water.

(It's the basis of all living things)

19. Sleep when it's dark.

(There is a reason why we can't see in the dark)

20. Learn new things.

(You live, you learn)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Pot paintings

Its very easy, fast and economical. U need not spend huge amount on this. Things that you require for pot painting are:
1. Mud pot
2. Oil paints or fabric paints
3. Painting brush
4. Sand paper
5. Touch wood
6. 3D outliner
All the items will cost u around Rs.300 and u can use these items for painting around 10 pots of medium size.
Steps to design pot:
1. Take a mud pot and rub it with sand paper just to soften the pot.
2. choose a design of ur choice and draw the design on the pot using pencil or the 3d outliner.
3.Apply colours of ur choice.
4.After the colours dry apply touch wood to get shine

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

My first post

Hi Everybody!!!
Welcome to my Blog. Here u can learn many painting techniques which are very simple. U can decorate your home with ur own paintings which are quicker and easier to learn.